:Base PicLite.HLP :Title Help for PictureGear 1 About PictureGear 2 PictureGear Functions=ARAM 2 Supported Image File Formats=SupportedImageFileFormats 1 Using the Main Window 2 Main Window=MainWindow 3 Selecting Images in the Preview Area=SelectingImages_PreviewArea 2 Slides=SLID 3 Navigation area=Navigatorjump 3 Tree View=FOLD 1 PictureGear Basics 2 Starting/Exiting PictureGear 3 Starting PictureGear=StartingPictureGear 3 Exiting PictureGear=ExitingPictureGear 2 Preview Area 3 Displaying the Index of Slides(PreviewArea)=DisplayingtheIndexofSlides(PreviewArea) 3 Scrolling the Preview Area=ScrollingthePreviewArea 3 Arranging the Preview Area 4 Zooming the Display=ZoomingtheDisplay 4 Sorting Images=SortingImages 4 Arranging Images=ARRA 2 Displaying and Playng the Slides :include PicView.CNT 3 Watching a Movie through Movie Playback Window 4 Playing Back a Movie=MPLY 4 Movie Playback Window=MPLW 2 Saving Slides 3 Saving Slides=SavingImages 2 Printing Images 3 Printing Images 4 Changing Printer Settings=ChangingPrinterSettings 4 Printing the Viewer Image=PrintingtheViewerImage 4 Printing from the Main Window=PrintingfromtheMainWindow 3 Previewing Printing 4 Previewing Printing=PreviewingPrinting 1 Displaying Slide Information 2 Displaying Slide Information=DisplayingImageInformation 2 File Information Dialog Box=FINF 1 Changing Slide Names and Formats 2 Changing Slide Names=RENM 2 Converting Image File Formats=ConvertingImageFileFormats 2 Copying and Moving Multiple Slides=MFID 2 Making Slide Names With Serial Numbers=SFRN 1 Using with External Device 2 Using with Sony Video Camera 3 Video Camera Connection and Settings=CNDV 3 Loading Images from a Video Camera=STDV 3 Sending Images to a Video Camera=SNDV 2 Using with Sony Digital Still Camera 3 Using with DSC-F55/F505 4 Digital Still Camera (DSC-F55, DSC-F505) Connection and Settings=CNCY 4 Loading Images from a Sony Digital Still Camera (DSC-F55, DSC-F505)=STCY 4 Sending Images to a Sony Digital Still Camera (DSC-F55, DSC-F505)=SNCY 2 Using Memory Sticks 3 Using the MS Serial Port Adaptor 4 Connecting and Setting the MS Serial Port Adaptor (MemoryStick Preparation)=CNMS 4 Loading MemoryStick Images with the MS Serial Port Adaptor=STMS 4 Saving Images to a MemoryStick with the MS Serial Port Adaptor=SNMS 3 Another case 4 Reading in Images from a Memory Stick=MRED 4 Saving Images on a Memory Stick=MWRT 1 Changing Settings 2 General Settings=ChangingGeneralSettings 2 Slide Show Settings=ChangingSlideShowSettings@PICPLAY.HLP 2 Device Settings=DSET 1 Uninstalling the software 2 Uninstalling PictureGear=UninstallingPictureGear 1 Hints & Techniques 2 Slide=SLTW 2 Techniques for Using PictureGear=TECH 1 Command List 2 File Menu=filemenu 2 Edit Menu=EditMenu 2 View Menu=ViewMenu 2 Help Menu=HelpMenu 2 Viewer Command List 3 Viewer File Menu=Viewer_filemenu@PICVIEW.HLP 3 Viewer Edit Menu=Viewer_editmenu@PICVIEW.HLP 3 Viewer View Menu=ViewerViewMenu@PICVIEW.HLP 3 Viewer Image Menu=GSOSA@PICVIEW.HLP 3 Viewer Filter Menu=FMENU@PICVIEW.HLP 3 Viewer Help Menu=ViewerHelpMenu@PICVIEW.HLP